Tuesday, May 8, 2012

UK tour in Our School

The last international activity in the process of achieving the International School Award offered by the British Council to schools that have successfully added the international dimension to their curricula and activities.


  1. حبيبتي مريم ، يعطيك ألف عافية ، نحنا ناطرينك بشوق ، و ناطرين أفكارك الحلوة مثل العادة ، وكل الفترة الماضية كنت معنا بروحك الطيبة و دعمك المستمر و شغفك للعمل ، و هذاالفيلم هو بداية العودة.فأهلا" و سهلا"

  2. Mariam!We really missed you on that day but as I told you before :"Your breath and spirit were with us".Can't wait to see you Thursday! You can't imagine what your kids in grade one did when they knew you are coming!!!!!!!!Hoorrrraaaayyyyyyyyyy!!

  3. Mariam was behind the scenes but this video shows the contrary.
    It is beautiful
