Wednesday, May 9, 2012

BBC World's Biggest Assembly

Yesterday " May 8,2012" the World's Biggest School Assembly was hosted by "BBC World Class" in partnership with the British Council as a part of its educational legacy for the 2012 Olympics.
The objective was helping children and schools get their stories on-air and online across the BBC. Starting from Tuesday Midnight, this event will be shown live for a whole day on the BBC website.
Grade7 ABAT students participated as a whole class in this event. They worked on an issue that interest them and want to highlight on it for the world real audience which is  Global Climate Change and how can we prevent it.
Through the day, the students logged in the BBC World Class Facebook page, introduced themselves and their school, posted about the specific points they worked on concerning the Global Climate Change and read about what other schools from different countries worked on .
To view our students' video, please visit the following website:


  1. Marvelous
    Congratuations on this BBC World Class News Cast

    nice work

  2. Thank you Mr. Amine for your words.
    Another thank you because your always there whenever we do an activity or work on a project.

  3. Our #1 motivator who never fails us => Mr Amine
