Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reproductive System

What I hear… I forget
What I hear and see… I remember a little
What I hear, see, ask questions about, and discuss with others ….I start to understand
What I hear, see, discuss, and implement… I acquire acquaintances and skills from 
What I teach to others …. I fully attain
Based on the above slogan, grade six students have learned about the reproductive system in an active way using Jigsaw strategy. 

First, students are divided into groups of three according to their birth month; each member in the group has been assigned a different number and its corresponding text in relation to their lesson. A new group is reformed where all of its members have read the same text for example, numbered 1. Then they start discussing and asking each others questions to understand. After that, students get back to their original group each ready to explain his part to his group members.  In this way, the whole lesson has been discussed, and so the group members prepare a graphical summary to present in the front of the whole class.

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