Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Makassed-Davidson ICT Dialogue

When Dr. Mohamed Naffi was visiting his daughter Nadia who is studying for an M.A. in Educational Technology at Concordia University in Canada, he met her thesis supervisor Dr. Ann-Louise Davidson. What was at first a personal familial visit turned out to be the kernel for a stimulating discussion for Dr. Naffi. Indeed, Dr. Naffi thought that Dr. Davidson’s expertise in the use of technology in education, especially special education, could be useful to Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association in Beirut because they have always been at the avant-garde of educational ideas and have always known how to seize a good opportunity. The acquaintance between the two academics culminated in an academic meeting wherein educationists from Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association as well as other institutions interacted with Dr. Davidson to share knowlege and common concerns about ICT.
If you would like to read more about this interesting dialogue, please visit:


  1. I hope this article be read by all

    amine daouk

  2. We will work on spreading it.
    Thanks for visiting our blog. It feels good to read you comments here too.
